LYING LOUIE PEREZ admits using many names on usenet.
(too old to reply)
Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer
2004-11-07 09:40:18 UTC
L Peeeeeerazzz, how dare you condemn Carol? Which L Perez wrote
following post? Was is Louis or Lou or Luke or Larry? How many
do you have? Peeeresssss, do you change your name like you
your Socks? Is that so you can lie, and then say you never lied?
Dishonesty becomes you. [See botton of message]
Newsgroups: rec.music.progressive
Subject: Re: What newsgroup for fusion?
Date: 13 Feb 2003 19:17:26 -0800
Organization: http://groups.google.com/
Lines: 20
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X-Trace: posting.google.com 1045192646 3550 (14 Feb
2003 03:17:26 GMT)
NNTP-Posting-Date: 14 Feb 2003 03:17:26 GMT
It's not an argument, so much as good ol' Louie Perez
trying to start one.
that's some serious projection you got goin on there
Shaliqua (your
real first neme does start with S so it must be Shaliqua
Your first name is Louis. This is a fact. If you're
quibbling over one lousy letter, you either don't realize a)
Sean is
using a common diminutive of the name, and/or b) he's making
fun of
you. HTH.
LYING LOUIE: well, your information is incorrect, though I do
admit to using the
first names Louis, Louie, Lewis, Lou, Lucas, Luke, Llewellen,
Lawrence, Lonnie and others in my life, my first name is not
Louis. If
you insist on calling me by a name I'm not currently using then
perhaps you would like for me to call you Jasper...
* * *

Perhaps Lying Louie Perez suffers from Dissociative Personality
Disorder himself. Yet he accuses others of this personality
disorder. Hey Louie, were you sexually abused as a child? Made
to kneel on marbles for hours at a time? Beat over the head for
wetting your pants?
2004-11-07 09:51:53 UTC
Post by Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer
following post? Was is Louis or Lou or Luke or Larry? How many
do you have? Peeeresssss, do you change your name like you
your Socks? Is that so you can lie, and then say you never lied?
Dishonesty becomes you. [See botton of message]
Newsgroups: rec.music.progressive
LYING LOUIE: well, your information is incorrect, though I do
admit to using the
first names Louis, Louie, Lewis, Lou, Lucas, Luke, Llewellen,
Lawrence, Lonnie and others in my life, my first name is not
Louis. If
you insist on calling me by a name I'm not currently using then
perhaps you would like for me to call you Jasper...
* * *
Post by Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer
Perhaps Lying Louie Perez suffers from Dissociative Personality
Disorder himself. Yet he accuses others of this personality
disorder. Hey Louie, were you sexually abused as a child? Made
to kneel on marbles for hours at a time? Beat over the head for
wetting your pants?
Lying Louie - man of many names and identities - wattaya know? LOL! :-D
"Precision" <***@Usenet.com> wrote:
I'm not an authorized distributor or reseller, neither have
I been licensed to collect funds and distribute their CD.

From: "le ténébreux" <prince.d'***@tour.abolie>
I still haven't worked out how they can claim information
revealed to them by God for the benefit of all mankind as their
intellectual property subject to their own distribution rules. :-P
2004-11-07 12:56:02 UTC
Post by Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer
Post by Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer
following post? Was is Louis or Lou or Luke or Larry? How many
do you have? Peeeresssss, do you change your name like you
your Socks? Is that so you can lie, and then say you never lied?
Dishonesty becomes you. [See botton of message]
Newsgroups: rec.music.progressive
LYING LOUIE: well, your information is incorrect, though I do
admit to using the
first names Louis, Louie, Lewis, Lou, Lucas, Luke, Llewellen,
Lawrence, Lonnie and others in my life, my first name is not
Louis. If
you insist on calling me by a name I'm not currently using then
perhaps you would like for me to call you Jasper...
* * *
Post by Anonymous via the Cypherpunks Tonga Remailer
Perhaps Lying Louie Perez suffers from Dissociative Personality
Disorder himself. Yet he accuses others of this personality
disorder. Hey Louie, were you sexually abused as a child? Made
to kneel on marbles for hours at a time? Beat over the head for
wetting your pants?
Lying Louie - man of many names and identities - wattaya know? LOL! :-D
<sigh>It gets interesting what with the smoke, mirrors and shadows,
doncha think?</sigh>


"Precision" <***@Usenet.com> wrote:
I'm not an authorized distributor or reseller but I play one on T.V.