MISSING: one Lying Louie Perez.
(too old to reply)
Witchtower Usenet Gazette
2004-11-20 08:30:54 UTC
Where is Lying Louie Perez of AZ? Was Lying Louie a victim of
the wicked Jehovahs Witness named Jabriol? Did Lying Louie get
disfellowshipped like our cigarette smoking diva Grandma B? Was
he cast aside like brother davers who liked his schnapps too
much? The question for "Americas Most Wanted" is WHERE IS LYING

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Fred Hall
2004-11-20 20:32:49 UTC
Post by Witchtower Usenet Gazette
Where is Lying Louie Perez of AZ? Was Lying Louie a victim of
the wicked Jehovahs Witness named Jabriol? Did Lying Louie get
disfellowshipped like our cigarette smoking diva Grandma B? Was
he cast aside like brother davers who liked his schnapps too
much? The question for "Americas Most Wanted" is WHERE IS LYING
Lyin' Louie is still out there, still on Comcast. Musta had his fill
of this place. Spotted him last night in another group.
2004-11-21 09:49:58 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
Post by Witchtower Usenet Gazette
Where is Lying Louie Perez of AZ? Was Lying Louie a victim of
the wicked Jehovahs Witness named Jabriol? Did Lying Louie get
disfellowshipped like our cigarette smoking diva Grandma B? Was
he cast aside like brother davers who liked his schnapps too
much? The question for "Americas Most Wanted" is WHERE IS LYING
Lyin' Louie is still out there, still on Comcast. Musta had his fill
of this place. Spotted him last night in another group.
• Rumour has it that Louie has signed up for a seminar being put on by
"Baghdad Bob".
€ R.L.Measures, 805-386-3734, www.somis.org
remove _ from e-mail adr
2004-11-21 15:58:09 UTC
Post by Fred Hall
Post by Witchtower Usenet Gazette
Where is Lying Louie Perez of AZ? Was Lying Louie a victim of
the wicked Jehovahs Witness named Jabriol? Did Lying Louie get
disfellowshipped like our cigarette smoking diva Grandma B? Was
he cast aside like brother davers who liked his schnapps too
much? The question for "Americas Most Wanted" is WHERE IS LYING
Lyin' Louie is still out there, still on Comcast. Musta had his fill
of this place. Spotted him last night in another group.
Hmm, he musta got bored since SOME people have stopped responding to
him and ONLY SOME people just try to get his goat.
A goodly number of posts were only to call him names or something
along that line and one person in particular is quite new to this NG
(even newer than myself) and seems to want to fight with everyone.
Kinda an equal opportunity scrapper with no real other reason to be
here (most times).
There is very little actual JW content posted here lately.
He probably lurks but refuses to post for now.

Collossians 2:9 (NWT)
because it is in him that all the fullness of the divine quality dwells bodily.

The last time I checked:
All is ALL
Full is FULL
Divine is DIVINE
