Witchtower Usenet Gazette
2004-11-20 08:30:54 UTC
Where is Lying Louie Perez of AZ? Was Lying Louie a victim of
the wicked Jehovahs Witness named Jabriol? Did Lying Louie get
disfellowshipped like our cigarette smoking diva Grandma B? Was
he cast aside like brother davers who liked his schnapps too
much? The question for "Americas Most Wanted" is WHERE IS LYING
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the wicked Jehovahs Witness named Jabriol? Did Lying Louie get
disfellowshipped like our cigarette smoking diva Grandma B? Was
he cast aside like brother davers who liked his schnapps too
much? The question for "Americas Most Wanted" is WHERE IS LYING
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The original sender is unknown. Any address shown in the From header
is unverified.